Not your
Granny Corner
“The act of sewing is a process of emotional repair”
Altogether incroyable.
Every night on this boat, if not ‘gala’, was designated ‘smart dressing’, so I had made an outfit for every night, along with a spreadsheet, and let me tell you, it was SUPER FUN and I felt confident and beautiful sailing into the dining room in my fancy clothes.
How to make a reliable display stand for the Sewing and Quilting necklaces, an update to the Paper Doll stand design
Sewing; some Cuff Top, Barry pants, and French darts in t-shirts. And art life things
Hello friends. Do you sew? Then this is for you! So Schiaparelli
It was exactly the kind of theoretical design interrogation to conduct late at night during a global health crisis when everything is in flux and normal is gone and all things feel unsafe. I only wondered why no one had done it before.
This is my Frocktails outfit. I’ve since worn it for a bbq out the back, for going to Woollies, for getting dressed in the morning and walking around and around the neighbourhood and for thats about it. This top is the best…I don’t know why I haven’t thought of sleeping in it yet, but now I have! Consider it done
In the spirit of Frocktails AND Xmas around the corner, here we are: the Spoolettes Tiger T! Available in the Souvenirs Shop
but ITS A DIRECTIONAL PRINT & I hadnt been told
It was quite a good month for art. And for making a Linden top with cuffs from an old Missoni dress; oh my goodness I just cut up oh Missoni oh my goodness me what have I
Sewing the Frances Top by Fibre Mood & the Sulis Hat by Pattern Fantastique and art
Sydney Frocktails: there’s no one better to appreciate our statement outfits! Than other sewists!
This is the Melbourne top. When I saw Iconic Patterns' Instagram post showing this design in beta stage, I was: "Lena. Please let me give you some money so I can buy this pattern"
The kind of idea where the idea is enough to make a new thing within a set of same-things. Except I didnt get much past the first thing
although my need for sequin skirt was acute, I dreaded the thought of unpicking all those little buggers. Every blog I read on the subject was agreed on this necessity before sewing but no! It is not so and halleluja sisters.
I'm currently engaged in commissioned work for a luxury hotel - at 28 pieces its the biggest commission I've ever know - and I'm not at liberty to share any images of it. So all the showing off I get to do is in that last sentence. However, there is a lull in artwork proceedings at the moment, so here’s a photoshop bonanza of step by step pics following the making of Puppy's new couch step! Time wasting!
I've gilded a lot of surfaces over the decades and lace is one of them, but I've never made a garment with it before.
DREAM REALISED: I've been wanting to try some of my artwork images through digital fabric printing technologies for a long time and now I have and its thrilling!
One of my favorite patterns, this. The Carolyn Pj by Closet Case Files. This is my fourth make, this time a dress I'd long been plotting. PJ for daywear trend still going strong in my house.
Ok so the only words I got there were "make a Katetop modified from the original pattern". My takeaway was ‘make a top that bears little to no resemblance to the Kate top’….
I made a Named Clothing Keana Blouse and the Closet Case Files Carolyn PJ top, back to back, as a thorough introductory embrace of all that is piping
Embroidery on canvas, using DCM metallic embroidery thread couched with Scanfil metallic thread
although my need for sequin skirt was acute, I dreaded the thought of unpicking all those little buggers. Every blog I read on the subject was agreed on this necessity before sewing but no! It is not so and halleluja sisters.
Bonus Vogue points for the fash/speak: Camo Glam Sport Luxe.... with a Leopard print trim.
I love this dress. I really do. Its a great dress. I studied DVF's which is all about the column of graphic print plus bare skin (sexy older skin)
Pattern Fantastique's Celestial dress was definitely my dress of the year 2014 & now here we are again, a new year a new Celestial dress by jingo.
...I became more & more curious about Nita Jane and the originality of her fashion designs; here was a woman who came across as refreshingly left field, a pattern making designer with a keen eye for the nuances of fit and ease, deftly combined with sharp cuts, bold drapes and clever construction.
The new sewing pattern by a new designer, the Celestial dress is the most best dress I've ever made, for serious. Its got it all going on; style, comfort, practicality and a uniquely modest, (one is a Lady) contemporary, eminently versatile design. Yah, I like it.
One should be like throwing tv's out of hotel room windows one is so rock n roll. Frocktails 2014!
My sewing has up till now been a very quiet solo hobby, but since I started this artworkerprojects, I've discovered the happy sisterhood of sewingland! There are lots of fabulous people out there sewing most of their own clothes, just like me! And I'm joining in now! And I never join groups! But sewingland is fun and here is my part of Shorts On The Line August shorts appreciation society. And I will try to not be justifying posting about "just" sewing ever again.
Granny Corner, thank heavens for Granny and the Corner. I've never called anyone Granny before, except for me, I'm my own bloody Granny when it comes to making that's not artyness. I repair to my womanly occupations when the going gets confused/lost/tired/uninspired or seethingly bitter and twisted and kinda stalled, in my studio. I've been liking it here a lot over here for a few months now.
At the moment, we're at home. Granny style. Sewing and...baking and...yeah, watching way heaps of tv on my laptop with headphones. Mmmmm headphones.
And I really need to use some stash fabric, my storage facility is scaring me.
Huzzah. The last week of the fantastic Me Made May and hasnt it been fun? I made some lovely new friends, Instagram matchmaking of lady sewists around the world!
Hooray! Week three of wearing a self-made piece of clothing every day and I'm equal parts tired of thinking about what I'll wear every morning & fascinated to find out how this challenge plays out over the next two weeks. I'll need to find some new combinations of my me-mades & work out some new matchy matchies. Interesting. (To me.)
So its week two and nary a problem with wearing self-made gear...and I've been quite surprised at how many of my clothes I do make myself. I just don't prioritise my self made gear & I am beginning to see that the clothes I make myself more accurately portray me as me & they are something to be proud of. They are often my more adventurous tops, pants and dresses, things I need to make because I cant find them out there or they just strike me as being a happy combination of fabric, design and purpose.
So this is a progressive post for Week One of the MMM14 challenge, in which I'll document the days I've worn me-made clothes. My pledge was to wear at least three (or more - like everything, IMO, more is always better) made-by-me items of clothing per week.
This is "... the popular online me-made/self-stitched challenge which asks sewers/knitters/crocheters/refashioners to wear hand-created clothing every day for a month." I'm in!
So I need a new handy bag, for the carrying around of my laptop. And I have taken a fancy to one in the style of a "well-known-fashion-house". Of course I'm going to make it myself! Sheesh! But I'll do mine the artworker way: labour intensive custom stencil pattern & embroidery, yay. And that's before I even make the bag!
It's a very simple design and I'm most certainly not the first woman to hanker after one of
these handy bags...
Paper Dolls: make them stand up. Here's a tutorial on making my flat folding stand...
Last post showed making the folders themselves. Now, onto furnishing them with the cool gear...
Paper Dolls in stylish folders, containing the doll on a folding stand as well as all their clothes! Many designer outfits! Yay!
So this is a progressive post for Week One of the MMM14 challenge, in which I'll document the days I've worn me-made clothes. My pledge was to wear at least three (or more - like everything, IMO, more is always better) made-by-me items of clothing per week.
This is "... the popular online me-made/self-stitched challenge which asks sewers/knitters/crocheters/refashioners to wear hand-created clothing every day for a month." I'm in!
Gifs gifs gifs. One ADORES them. Just like one adores fashion & these are all flashy & lightey
Christmas is coming, now now now. The frightening onward march of time that leads inexorably to actually having to sort out gifts for like, everyone, at Christmas, is NOW.
So I've made a few gifts with fabric, paint & lace applique which should cover most of the girl portion of my gift list, PHEW.
So as far as Christmas DIY's go, this one is acceptably anti-horrid (seriously, what is WITH that red & green?? It's just weird.) and most importantly, cheap. Granny Corner approves of cheap. Also jewellery, GC really, really believes in that.
So I need a new handy bag, for the carrying around of my laptop. And I have taken a fancy to one in the style of a "well-known-fashion-house". Of course I'm going to make it myself! Sheesh! But I'll do mine the artworker way: labour intensive custom stencil pattern & embroidery, yay. And that's before I even make the bag!
It's a very simple design and I'm most certainly not the first woman to hanker after one of
these handy bags...
Paper Dolls: make them stand up. Here's a tutorial on making my flat folding stand...
Last post showed making the folders themselves. Now, onto furnishing them with the cool gear...
Paper Dolls in stylish folders, containing the doll on a folding stand as well as all their clothes! Many designer outfits! Yay!
Herewith begineth my Granny Corner.
First up, me 'n Daphne Guinness! There will be many ! in this post!
Super fun to wear and I felt sensational