Ok so the only words I got there were "make a Katetop modified from the original pattern". My takeaway was ‘make a top that bears little to no resemblance to the Kate top’….
Read MoreTah daaah
Sewing time: the Carolyn, the Keana, And a Skirt.
I made a Named Clothing Keana Blouse and the Closet Case Files Carolyn PJ top, back to back, as a thorough introductory embrace of all that is piping
Read MoreSewing sequin fabric the easy way - a quick & dirty midi-length pencil skirt
although my need for sequin skirt was acute, I dreaded the thought of unpicking all those little buggers. Every blog I read on the subject was agreed on this necessity before sewing but no! It is not so and halleluja sisters.
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Granny Corner: Camouflage Glam Sport Luxe
Bonus Vogue points for the fash/speak: Camo Glam Sport Luxe.... with a Leopard print trim.
Read MoreLucent Visor: #superloveit
Yes, we are making hats now
Read MoreFrocktails 2015; DIY DVF
I love this dress. I really do. Its a great dress. I studied DVF's which is all about the column of graphic print plus bare skin (sexy older skin)
Read MoreNew Year New Dress; Celestial hack
Pattern Fantastique's Celestial dress was definitely my dress of the year 2014 & now here we are again, a new year a new Celestial dress by jingo.
Read MoreVionnet paper dolls. Instant gift!
Another year's end, another paper doll gift to give.
Read MoreCuriosity: Nita Jane McMahon of Pattern Fantastique, interviewed.
...I became more & more curious about Nita Jane and the originality of her fashion designs; here was a woman who came across as refreshingly left field, a pattern making designer with a keen eye for the nuances of fit and ease, deftly combined with sharp cuts, bold drapes and clever construction.
Read MoreThe Celestial dress
The new sewing pattern by a new designer, the Celestial dress is the most best dress I've ever made, for serious. Its got it all going on; style, comfort, practicality and a uniquely modest, (one is a Lady) contemporary, eminently versatile design. Yah, I like it.
Read MoreGranny Corner: snakeskin & sequins, Frocktails. Sydney 2014
One should be like throwing tv's out of hotel room windows one is so rock n roll. Frocktails 2014!
Read MoreGranny Corner: minor artiness, sewing Anima Missoni and Instalove
Granny Corner, thank heavens for Granny and the Corner. I've never called anyone Granny before, except for me, I'm my own bloody Granny when it comes to making that's not artyness. I repair to my womanly occupations when the going gets confused/lost/tired/uninspired or seethingly bitter and twisted and kinda stalled, in my studio. I've been liking it here a lot over here for a few months now.
Read MoreMore Missoni. I have "a problem". Pfft.
Granny Corner; recent makes. Sewing Missoni, artiness & gingerbread.
At the moment, we're at home. Granny style. Sewing and...baking and...yeah, watching way heaps of tv on my laptop with headphones. Mmmmm headphones.
And I really need to use some stash fabric, my storage facility is scaring me.
Granny Corner: Me Made May '14 WEEK FOUR!
Huzzah. The last week of the fantastic Me Made May and hasnt it been fun? I made some lovely new friends, Instagram matchmaking of lady sewists around the world!
Read MoreGranny Corner: Me Made May '14 WEEK THREE
Hooray! Week three of wearing a self-made piece of clothing every day and I'm equal parts tired of thinking about what I'll wear every morning & fascinated to find out how this challenge plays out over the next two weeks. I'll need to find some new combinations of my me-mades & work out some new matchy matchies. Interesting. (To me.)
Read MoreGranny Corner: Me Made May '14, WEEK ONE.
So this is a progressive post for Week One of the MMM14 challenge, in which I'll document the days I've worn me-made clothes. My pledge was to wear at least three (or more - like everything, IMO, more is always better) made-by-me items of clothing per week.
Read MoreDIY gift: Mickey Mouse with lace ears t-shirt
Christmas is coming, now now now. The frightening onward march of time that leads inexorably to actually having to sort out gifts for like, everyone, at Christmas, is NOW.
So I've made a few gifts with fabric, paint & lace applique which should cover most of the girl portion of my gift list, PHEW.
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DIY patchwork tree baubles
So as far as Christmas DIY's go, this one is acceptably anti-horrid (seriously, what is WITH that red & green?? It's just weird.) and most importantly, cheap. Granny Corner approves of cheap. Also jewellery, GC really, really believes in that.
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DIY, designer-style: The RosieFendi
So I need a new handy bag, for the carrying around of my laptop. And I have taken a fancy to one in the style of a "well-known-fashion-house". Of course I'm going to make it myself! Sheesh! But I'll do mine the artworker way: labour intensive custom stencil pattern & embroidery, yay. And that's before I even make the bag!
It's a very simple design and I'm most certainly not the first woman to hanker after one of
these handy bags...
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