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Artworking; March 2020

More study. Suspect its going nowhere

Started another one to see if it goes somewhere

Going nowhere

Monitoring the situation

Continued surveillance

Going nowhere

Adding to my problems. Darkened everything in case it helped

Best work I’ve done all year


Incremental change

Dear God what am I doing

Treading water

Comfort in small things

My old dagger liner. I used to live and die by this brush, making a living painting things to look like marble, selling myself as a ‘specialist painter’ and gilder Mad times & I still have the brush.

Trying to catch the reflection on the leaf

on & on & on

Safety in numbers.

Sine Cos Tan #2, courtesy of the inestimable Tara Poole

Mena House, Cairo. I used to make them matching outfits. These boys

March 2020 and people are dying, in a hurry. Pandemic. I cannot throw words or images at this & make it change, we are already doing everything we can - staying home & staying clean - and must accept that after that, we are powerless. We have the power to do that. There is peace, of a kind, in that acceptance, and that is all I have to offer. I would also say dont keep up with the news, overly, check it at night & leave it there; we are already doing what we can.