More study. Suspect its going nowhere
Started another one to see if it goes somewhere
Artistic gyoza
I love how these things look, all puffy & ruffled, huddling together, generous and rewarding
Monitoring the situation
Continued surveillance
outfit underway
I had a bad, bad feeling about this
I was not wrong
Adding to my problems. Darkened everything in case it helped
Best work I’ve done all year
Incremental change
Dear God what am I doing
cobalt yellow
not a tiny bit
Comfort in small things
My old dagger liner. I used to live and die by this brush, making a living painting things to look like marble, selling myself as a ‘specialist painter’ and gilder Mad times & I still have the brush.
Trying to catch the reflection on the leaf
& on & on & on
nice men came to clean the roof gutters. Look at that Sydney sky
Safety in numbers.
So much gratitude
to this woman who took a chance on me & changed my life. [That lace is hand cut, because its me and everything has to be hard]
Mena House, Cairo. I used to make them matching outfits. These boys
March 2020 and people are dying, in a hurry. Pandemic. I cannot throw words or images at this & make it change, we are already doing everything we can - staying home & staying clean - and must accept that after that, we are powerless. We have the power to do that. There is peace, of a kind, in that acceptance, and that is all I have to offer. I would also say dont keep up with the news, overly, check it at night & leave it there; we are already doing what we can.