During August, I renovated this website and thats a good thing, but its wiped out my audience so now I have no one to show this all to. So I’ll just get on with it, but what a shame. I flicked some switch, broke a link, added a crummy line of code, changed some setting & now theres like NO ONE in my audience, according to my analytics which is the sadness. But you are here now! Hello!
So the art must go on, and visiting Maitland Regional Art Gallery was a life changing event, because art and Lottie Consalvo and…Del Kathryn Barton. She’s a game changer that one, I’d never spent time with her work and that film is just breathtaking
I watched it twice. Would’ve watched it twice more again but had to leave. Honestly I would’ve, its so good
Mad detail. I think Ive figured out what paint she uses for those dots but I’m not telling
I include the above because I love those Yo-yo’s! The slightly fecund nature of DKB’s aesthetic suits me well. I’m going to try to fit some passimenterie into a new thing I’m thinking of.
I love Lottie’s work, I loved the pairs, this show had pairs of paintings, each image made twice. This also makes sense to me. Just today I was reading one of Pandora Sykes’ Instagrams that spoke of making something twice because we want to keep it going. I do this, I want things to last, if they get used, I want to have them always so theres always a backup. When one wears out, I still have it, good as new. My losing things trauma is ongoing
I love this thing! The best fun in ages, painting a little landscape with graphite & oil paint, how cool is that
I donated it to a charity auction for snow sports for disabled kids & I was so happy with that. Its so good to have a purpose & feel meaningful
Some kind of crazy person, hell bent on covering everything in creation with decorative patterns
Getting on with covering everything
This photo is only meaningful to me, its not pretty, its just that I have a new thing I’m making & I had just glued it together when I had to go out. I needed to keep looking at more, so I took this snap on my way out the door so I could check on it throughout the day. Can confirm, it is all good. Really invigorated by this new idea.
Other things. Saw a nice dog, baked a cake that didnt come out of the cake mold very well (tasted good), walked around in Maitland, deciding where to go for lunch, noticed all the various ties on the easel because the screw that regulated how high the artwork sits is is broken, so everything is kind of held in a sling (cant think how better to describe it ), made a note of a Vogue Pattern I want (V9286, so 90’s), draped a bit of passimenterie over things to see if it helped (it hasn’t yet), silly August things.
And I tidied up. Worth noting.