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Artworking: March 2017 studio

And I thought I'd been quiet this month.*


- made an artwork for Tap Gallery International Women's Day show for Sydney Art Month (why wouldn't I?);

- had some very welcome day visitors from some cruise ship cruisers, aka my Mum & her husband Ross, on their way around various Pacific Atolls, or whatever it is they do out there (I'm so envious, take me away);

- re-visited my scroll saw because I really enjoy it and maybe it'll throw up some new work. Not much to to report so far though;

- visited Chalk Horse Gallery studio on the eve of their visit to Art Central Hong Kong. Awestruck by Andre Hermer, as usual (I even sent him an Insta fanmail DM: hi Andre! Love your work!);

- made many, many visits to the Digital Fabric prints website, amongst others. I am currently utterly captivated by the development of a small collection of prints for garment fabrics. This has consumed me, for weeks now its been me 'n the Puppy 'n my laptop. She's like a cat, my dog, a total lapdog cat only not as clean. The days disappear and now its April already. But the prints are coming along and its thrilling.

And March, bread making. Again. Virtually every day: the major food group of teenage autism.

* I'm backdating this post so it looks like it was published on, say, the second of April. (Trickster!) See, the modem in the house is elderly & fails to load images properly, and moving to a seat closer to it so they do load properly is like, that seat is ALL THE WAY OVER THERE. So I'm behind on my new resolution to publish studio progress every month. Every month is so OFTEN.)