About Artworker Projects


There once was an artist’s advocacy group (now defunct) I first came across as an art student in the late 80’s, The Queensland Artworkers Alliance. I loved this title, not just the solidarity & fellowship inherent in a word like 'alliance', but "Artworker". It seemed so real, it felt so accurate a description of the way I sensed my life would unfold. ‘Artist’ seems so subjective and arbitrary and bullshitty and I worked! I put in the time. This is my profession. So it’s been my self-awarded title ever since. I'm always working. I make artwork. I’m an art-worker.

I work with others as an art consultant (artworking) and have often undertaken commissions to produce artwork for 5 star hotels and resorts internationally (artworking). I work from my studio at home in Sydney (homeworkingartworking).

I am intensely private but also need an audience which means in practical terms that everything you see here is inconclusive. No one knows exactly what I do, day to day. I’m always showing the making but rarely the made. I dont know. I throw the images up in the air and one day maybe I’ll catch them in the right order & then I’ll know. I’ll be sure to update you here, on that happy day.

Two things I can explain:


Translating ideas into things. To quote the over quoted Chuck Close: “All the best ideas come out of the process: they come out of the work itself”. I’ve found I make some nice objects collaterally, spin-offs from the design process when proposing work for commissions, or when inspired by researching the market for consultancy projects and that has precipitated opening my Art Shop. I love my Art Shop! Have a look at my Art Shop. I make a lot of samples when testing new techniques & processes & they can be pretty cool in their own way so I list them as either Souvenirs or Artefacts, depending on how I feel about them or if its a Wednesday. Just kidding you. Check both!



Sewing. Sometimes, repairing to Granny Corner is all I can do. I’m safe there & the world can fuqe off & leave me with my sewing.

Having first picked up a sewing needle around 5 years old, I’ve made most of my clothes from my early teens on. It’s always felt like a natural extension of my art making & I like making nice things to wear.

I’d like to call it sewworking but that doesn’t scan well and besides, it transcends ‘work’ in a way art-making does not. Theres a meaninglessness coupled with meaningfullness to it thats so…comforting. Finding the sew-zone is bliss.

And I get a lot of emotional support from the sewing community, online as well as IRL. Ive found really good, soul succouring friendships and feel connected-to and part-of when I'm here alone with all the thoughts and gilding so Im lucky with that

As far as my day job and all those commissions go, it may seem a little cryptic but a lot/most of my work is shrouded in confidentiality contracts which sounds super serious, but modern life. I respect art lovers who keep it intimate & I deeply appreciate the opportunities I’ve been afforded; all artists need patrons who keep the faith & drive creativity. Making a living in this trade is no joke and it needs a steadying hand which is called money. Cant work without it. And as long as I’m working, everything can happen so standby for that update.

Fellow travellers, thank you for stopping by